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June 12, 2019

Income differences across migrant groups

On average, migrant children in the Netherlands end up lower in the income distribution compared to native children, even if their parents have equal incomes.

Income differences across migrant groups
June 12, 2019

Income differences across migrant groups

On average, migrant children in the Netherlands end up lower in the income distribution compared to native children, even if their parents have equal incomes.

Income differences across migrant groups
June 12, 2019

Income differences across migrant groups

On average, migrant children in the Netherlands end up lower in the income distribution compared to native children, even if their parents have equal incomes.

Income differences across migrant groups
June 12, 2019

Inkomensongelijkheid naar migratieachtergrond in kaart

Het inkomen van personen met een Marokkaanse, Turkse, Surinaamse en Antilliaanse migratieachtergrond lag tussen 2003 en 2017 lager dan van personen zonder migratieachtergrond. De inkomensverschillen hangen samen met...

June 12, 2019

Inkomensongelijkheid naar migratieachtergrond in kaart

Het inkomen van personen met een Marokkaanse, Turkse, Surinaamse en Antilliaanse migratieachtergrond lag tussen 2003 en 2017 lager dan van personen zonder migratieachtergrond. De inkomensverschillen hangen samen met...

June 12, 2019

Income differences across migrant groups in the Netherlands: an intergenerational perspective

This paper investigates income disparities across natives and the most prominent migrant groups in the Netherlands, those with a Moroccan, Turkish, Surinamese, or Antillean background....

June 12, 2019

Income differences across migrant groups in the Netherlands: an intergenerational perspective

This paper investigates income disparities across natives and the most prominent migrant groups in the Netherlands, those with a Moroccan, Turkish, Surinamese, or Antillean background....

October 11, 2017

Preventing NEETs During the Great Recession: The Effects of a Mandatory Activation Program for Young Welfare Recipients

We study the impact of a mandatory activation program for young welfare recipients in the Netherlands. Introduced at the end of 2009, the goal of the program was to prevent so-called NEETs (individuals not in employment, education or training).

October 11, 2017

Preventing NEETs During the Great Recession: The Effects of a Mandatory Activation Program for Young Welfare Recipients

We study the impact of a mandatory activation program for young welfare recipients in the Netherlands. Introduced at the end of 2009, the goal of the program was to prevent so-called NEETs (individuals not in employment, education or training).

April 26, 2015

Kansrijk arbeidsmarktbeleid

Deze eerste uitgave van Kansrijk Arbeidsmarktbeleid belicht de effecten van beleidsmaatregelen op het gebied van fiscale stimulering van arbeidsparticipatie, sociale zekerheid en ontslagbescherming.

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