Dubbel seminar: Diversity and the technological impact of inventive activity + Related variety and economic development
Dinsdag 15 december geven Sjoerd Hardeman (CPB) en Andrea Morescalchi (Europese Commissie) een presentatie getiteld "Diversity and the technological impact of inventive activity". Daarna geeft Koen Frenken (Utrecht University) een presentatie getiteld "Related variety and economic development".
Tijdstip: 13.00-14.00 uur
Locatie: CPB-kantoor, Van Stolkweg 14, Den Haag
Presentatie 1: Sjoerd Hardeman (CPB) en Andrea Morescalchi (Europese Commissie). Volledige titel: "Diversity and the technological impact of inventive activity: evidence for EU regions".
Presentatie 2: Koen Frenken (Utrecht University). Volledige titel: "Related variety and economic development: theory, empirics and some policy reflections".
Discussiant: Koen Frenken (Utrecht University)
Voertaal: Engels
Aanmelden: U kunt zich hier aanmelden voor dit seminar.
Samenvatting onderwerp 1:
The European Commission currently employs Smart Specialization Strategies (S3) to lead European regions unto a path of “smart, sustainable and inclusive growth” (European Commission, 2011). As of yet, however, little evidence exists on the exact nature of smart specialization contributing to such regional development. This paper seeks to unravel the relationship between smart specialization and regional economic development and therewith offers evidence on the kind of smart specialization patterns contributing to it. In so doing, we focus on the relationship between smart specialization and smart economic performance only; that is, our analysis leaves aside sustainable and inclusive growth and concerns an assessment of the relationship between regions’ technological profile and their technological impact as measured by patent citation data. First, as smart specialization runs the risk of confronting us with a catch-all policy tool, we offer a reconceptualization along the lines of Stirling’s (2007) tripartite structure distinguishing among variety, evenness, and disparity. Second, using this latter conceptualization, we estimate the relationship between regions’ technological profile and their technological impact at various levels of technological detail, so as to single out when and how exactly smart specialization contributes to regional invention. The paper concludes with a discussion of the main results and their policy implications.
Samenvatting onderwerp 2:
In this talk, I will go into the concept of related variety stressing that a diversified economic structure can support economic development provided that the various sectors in the economy are technologically related, generating spillovers across sectors. I will then discuss recent empirical work on related variety at national and regional levels, including studies on employment growth and on the rise of new sectors and technologies. I end with some policy reflections in the light of concept of smart specialization central to current regional policy in the EU.
Policy seminars
Het CPB organiseert met regelmaat Policy seminars voor beleidsmakers, wetenschappers en belanghebbenden. Deze policy seminars zijn bedoeld als een discussiepodium en de nadruk van de gepresenteerde analyses ligt altijd op de implicaties voor beleid. Deze policy seminars worden gehouden op donderdagen van 13.00 - 14.00 uur.
Het CPB organiseert ook seminars voor wetenschappers. Tijdens deze seminars, die vrijwel altijd op een dinsdagmiddag worden gehouden van 13.00 - 14.00 uur, worden academic papers gepresenteerd en besproken.
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