
Seminar: Location and Determinants of Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions within the USA

Dinsdag 19 mei geeft Steven Brakman (RUG) een presentatie getiteld "Location and Determinants of Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions within the USA".

19 mei 2015
CPB-kantoor, Van Stolkweg 14, Den Haag

Tijdstip: 13.00-14.00 uur
Locatie: CPB-kantoor, Van Stolkweg 14, Den Haag

Presentatie: Steven Brakman (RUG)

Discussiant: TBA

Voertaal: Engels

Aanmelden: U kunt zich aanmelden voor dit seminar door een e-mail te sturen naar

Samenvatting onderwerp:
The relevance of location choice in multinational activity is traditionally restricted to Greenfield investments. Research on cross-border mergers & acquisitions (M&As) largely bypasses the important question where to locate within the host country. In this paper we analyze the within-country location-target decision for acquiring firms. Using a detailed firm level data set for all manufacturing sector M&As across the USA for the period 1985-2012, we focus on the difference between cross-border M&As and national M&As within the USA and establish that cross-border M&As are more spatially concentrated. We also find that cross-border M&As sort into larger agglomerations across the USA than national M&As. With respect to the determinants of cross-border M&As, our estimations indicate that a good market access in the USA as well as, through transport hubs, a good access to the rest of the world are key drivers for target selection in the US for M&As in general.

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