
Seminar: Prijsconcurrentie in tweezijdige markten met heterogene consumenten en netwerk effecten

Dinsdag 26 november geeft Tobias Klein (Tilburg) een presentatie met de titel "Prijsconcurrentie in tweezijdige markten met heterogene consumenten en netwerk effecten".

26 november 2013
CPB-kantoor, Van Stolkweg 14, Den Haag

Tijdstip: 13.00-14.00 uur
Locatie: CPB-kantoor, Van Stolkweg 14, Den Haag

Presentatie: Tobias Klein (Tilburg)

Discussiant: Bas Straathof (CPB)

Voertaal: Engels

Aanmelden: U kunt zich aanmelden voor dit seminar door een e-mail te sturen naar

Samenvatting onderwerp
We model a two-sided market with heterogeneous customers and two heterogeneous network effects. In our model, customers on each market side care differently about both the number and the type of customers on the other side. Examples of two-sided markets are online platforms or daily newspapers. In the latter case, for instance, readership demand depends on the amount and the type of advertisements. Also, advertising demand depends on the number of readers and the distribution of readers across demographic groups. There are feedback loops because advertising demand depends on the numbers of readers, which again depends on the amount of advertising, and so on. Due to the difficulty in dealing with such feedback loops when publishers set prices on both sides of the market, most of the literature has avoided models with Bertrand competition on both sides or has resorted to simplifying assumptions such as linear demands or the presence of only one network effect. We address this issue by first presenting intuitive sufficient conditions for demand on each side to be unique given prices on both sides. We then derive sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of an equilibrium in prices. For merger analysis, or any other policy simulation in the context of competition policy, it is important that equilibria exist and are unique. Otherwise, one cannot predict prices or welfare effects after a merger or a policy change. Our conditions are related to the own- and cross-price effects, as well as the strength of the own and cross network effects. We show that most functional forms used in empirical work, such as logit type demand functions, tend to satisfy these conditions. Finally, using data on the Dutch daily newspaper industry, we estimate a flexible model of demand which satisfies the above conditions and evaluate the effects of a hypothetical merger.

Het CPB organiseert seminars voor wetenschappers. Tijdens deze seminars, die vrijwel altijd op een dinsdagmiddag worden gehouden van 13.00 - 14.00 uur, worden academic papers gepresenteerd en besproken. Als u dat wilt, kunt u per e-mail op de hoogte gehouden worden van nieuwe seminars. Lees hier hoe u zich kunt aan- en afmelden voor deze alerteringsservice (CPB Agenda).

Policy seminars
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